1st Floor, Kingsland Road
London, England N2 8DA

If you love taking pictures but feel like you can never achieve the results you want with your images, the Shoot Experience Point and Shoot Photography Workshop is the course for you. This two-day course (held on Saturday May 23rd and Saturday May 30th) provides a fun and insightful course into knowing your way around your camera, using personalised tuition and outdoor challenges.

This workshop is only for those with a basic point and shoot camera, and will show you how to enjoy taking great photos of every aspect of your life. Please see http://www.shootexperience.com/events/info/159 for more details.

The course has a strong emphasis on fun photography, and is split over two days. The first day is all about your camera, and will give you all the basics you need to get the most out of using it.

The second day will focus more on taking great photos, so it will include tips and tricks about creative ideas, composition and lighting. You will head out onto the streets and learn how to capture the delightful East End the way you see it, and the way you want your audience to see it.

This is the ideal environment for beginners to really get to grips with their cameras, and start to feel like they’re really getting the most out of the pictures they take.

Contact: 0207 0333 555, hello@shootexperience.com

Added by shootexperience6652 on April 28, 2009