Oct 1, 7, 8, 15, 21, 28, 29, 7pm - 11pm
The Blood is back with ShEvil Dead - Live on Stage!
The Primitive Screwheads, San Francisco's notorious theater company, will be spraying blood all over audiences this October at CELLspace.
Get Ready for an outrageous parody based on both Evil Dead Movies, as well as Army of Darkness, but featuring an all female cast. Yes!
- Hot Chicks
- Demons from Hell
- Flying Body Parts
- Gallons of Blood spewing all over the theater and audience!
- On October 29th, we'll have a Halloween Costume Contest with great prizes.
Do Not Wear Nice Clothes to this Performance!!
Doors open @ 7pm
Show starts @ 8pm
~ Shows sell out quickly, buying in advance is recommended ~
Please note:
- Seating is on a first come, first serve basis, so come early to make sure you have a seat in the "Prime Blood Seats."
- Unlike other theater companies with blood shows, we do not charge extra for sitting in a blood section. Everyone will be covered in blood... although there will be a small "Dry Seats Section."
- For Large groups, it's recommended to come early so you can sit and enjoy the carnage together!
- Wearing white is strongly encouraged!
For more information and up to date information:
Go to our website: http://www.primitivescrewheads.com/2011/
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Primitive-Screwheads/150266162889
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/primitive_screw
Official Website: http://www.primitivescrewheads.com
Added by FullCalendar on September 19, 2011