LetsMeetOut.com hosts Greg Gilderman, author of
She’s The One:The Surprising Truth About What Makes a Woman a Keeper
She’s the One by Greg Gilderman
Reading and signing.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7-9PM
Alibi, 116 Macdougal St between Bleecker and West 3rd Street
Relationship columnist and all-around funny guy Gregory Gilderman has come to a startling conclusion: Yes, men want a woman who's sexy and smart. But just as women do, guys also want kindness, affection, and support. This self-help/humor book takes the guesswork out of discovering that the ONE is right under your nose.
About the Author
Gregory Gilderman's popular column 'The Dating Life' appeared in
Metro newspapers of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and he has
been a contributing writer at Cosmopolitan and AOL.com.
About LetsMeetOut.com
LetsMeetOut.com is NYC's newest way to mix and mingle. LetsMeetOut.com, a new social networking meets group-dating website that's a fresh and exciting way for New Yorkers to meet people while hanging out with friends. Plus, Letsmeetout.com members get their 2nd Round Free every Sunday - Wednesday night at affiliated bars and clubs when they make plans to gather at any of our Meeting Spots in the city.
Official Website: http://letsmeetout.com
Added by Niche on December 18, 2006