Aiming to be a byword for a good night out, Sweatshop will play host to anyone and everyone in the dnb scene -
To launch the night on 19/Jan we will feature all the best local drum'n'bass DJs, as well as a special appearance from Carl Lorimer, playing an exclusive drum'n'bass set-with-a-twist.
Keep your eyes peeled, and your ears to the ground to find out what SWEATSHOP will be doing next.. Watch this space!
Line Up: Carl Lorimer (special DNB set), Siesta, Viceroy, ChaCha, Esia, Arminda
Doors open at 9pm, 30rmb entry
2100-2230 [Siesta Smooth Liquid Set]
2230-2330 [Viceroy Warm-up-set]
2330-0100 [Carl Lorimer Roll-em-up-set]
0100-0230 [Siesta Tear-Up-Set]
0230-0330 [Viceroy Keep-em-coming-set]
0330-close [3-DJ-Back-2-Back-Set]
Added by phreaktion on January 15, 2008