1254 Boylston St.
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Shelter is a monthly dark dance night that's intended to bring together the open-minded, fun-loving, freak-flag-flying, former-Manray-going, cool, artistic, creative people of Boston.

Shelter and DJ Punketta Doilie are pleased to welcome very special guest DJ HELLRAVER (NYC).

He's toured all over the world, shredding dance floors and exploding hearts with the darkest, grittiest, dirtiest, evilest beats, seamlessly weaving together genres like industrial, EBM, old school hip hop and powernoise. He wields the decks like deadly weapons. He's coming back to Boston. He will make you dance. This will be intense. Consider yourself warned.

There will be plenty of Mardi Gras debauchery. (nipple tape + Beads, beads, beads!)

Shelter is the 1st Saturday of every month @
Machine Nightclub
1254 Boylston St. Boston Ma 02215.

21+ 10pm -2 am
$7 from 10 pm-10:30pm
$10 from 10:30pm till 2am

Dress code: as glam/punk/goth/cyber/neon /fetish/badass as you can get or a minimum effort of all black. (keep your nipples covered, please, per order of the government)

Playlists, photos, dirty haikus can be found at:

For Info contact: Michael@Sin-O-matic.net

Official Website: http://going.com/sheltermardigras

Added by punketta on January 14, 2008



oh, but there's no requirement to keep anything else covered i see. w00t