Central Wharf
Boston, Massachusetts 02110

Shark and ray populations are in dramatic decline around the world and are often caught unintentionally by fishermen. Dr. John Mandelman, a research scientist at the New England Aquarium who specializes in sharks, skates, and sting rays, will speak about the damaging effect that the capture and handling of these fish can have on their long-term physiology, physical condition, and health after they are released back into the wild.

Since many sharks, skates, and sting rays are in peril, Dr. Mandelman believes understanding the consequences of commercial and recreational handling of the fish is vital. Drawing from several recent studies and examples across the globe, he will discuss the effect of commercial fishing capture on skates and spiny dogfish in the Gulf of Maine, the consequences of angling and release of juvenile lemon sharks in the Bahamas, and the effect of longline capture on coastal sharks in the western South Atlantic.

This is part of the Aquarium’s free lecture series that highlights ongoing rescue, conservation and research work of the Aquarium’s scientists and experts as well as from the scientific community at large. It is made possible by the generous support of the Lowell Institute.

For more information: email AquariumLectures@neaq.org or call 617-973-6596

Added by teakmedia on October 7, 2010

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