You arecordially invited to attend an afternoonbrunch for old and new friends of all ages. Spend some time with those you know, meet some great new people, tickle your taste-buds and, to top it all off, you'll be supporting a very worthy cause. So...just how old are you anyway? Will you share your age by donating one dollar for each year of your existence thus far?
We'll feast on an assortment of savories and sweets: quiches, salads, pastries, chocolates...
Along with coffee and tea,there will be unlimited mimosas and bloody marys, too.
(If you plan on drinking, you will, of course, need to share at least $21.)
All to take place in a lovely garden setting of trickling fountains and flowering herbs.*
The goalofthis bunch is to raisefunds for Opera Piccola's twentieth-anniversary seaon of performing arts and arts education events. It is a proven fact that involvement in the arts promotes success in life. Opera Piccola brings the benefits of the arts to students, youths, families and adultsfrom all backgrounds, enabling them to enhance their chances for success.
During the Past Year
More than 3,000 low-income students innineteeneastbay schools discovered their creativity through after-school and in-school classes taught by Opera Piccolas artist educators. Opera Piccolatrained 110 classroom teachers to make learning relevant, fun, and exciting by integrating the arts into their curriculums. Over 2,000under-served children, parents andcaregivers experienced the magic of live theater--many of themfor the very first time--by attending Opera Piccolas free community performances at public libraries and homeless shelters.
So help Opera Piccola to grow older, too.RSVPnow by registering/purchasing your ticket(s) aboveand we'll have a great time on Aprl 5.
The price of admission is an admission of age:SHARE YOUR AGE IN DOLLARS(Please note that every dollar you donate is tax-deductible and will go directly to Opera Piccola.)
During this time of economic challenges,Opera Piccola's services are needed more than ever.
Sponsor an Opera Piccolastudent intern: $100
Sponsor an Opera Piccola artist educator: $250
Become an Opera Piccola Angel: $500 or more
*private shuttle service from Walnut Creek BART will be available free of charge.
Organized by Rose TheresaAs a member of its board of directors, I'm organizing this event for Opera Piccola. OP is a multi-racial, cross-generational company of artists basedin Oakland, California.For twenty years now, Opera Piccola has been serving eastbay students, youths, families and adults through in-school and after-school programs, artist residencies and teacher development. OperaPiccola also travels to libraries and homeless shelters throughout Northern California to share it's own special brand of interactive community theater.
Ticket Info: - If you wish to Share Your Age by donating with a credit card or PayPal, enter the amount of your donation and follow the links to "Order Now." (Suggested minimum donation: $21.), Free
- If you pefer to donate at the door, first enter the amount you will donate, click "Order Now" and then look for the link to "Other Payment Options," (small print at the bottom of the page). Click on that and follow the link to "Pay At The Door.", Free
Official Website: http://sharemyage-upcoming.eventbrite.com