2908 West Cary St
Richmond, Virginia 23221

Come learn about this innovative financial literacy program and show your school pride by joining us for an awards ceremony to announce the winners of the Richmond Fed's Share the Wealth Financial Literacy Contest. Students from Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia State University, University of Richmond and Virginia Union University competed to create 30-second videos to help educate their peers on important personal finance issues. All video submissions will be previewed at the Byrd Theatre and the winning team will receive awards.

Please RSVP to caorichmondfed@rich.frb.org by December 10.

Official Website: http://www.richmondfed.org/conferences_and_events/community_development/2010/share_wealth_financial_literacy_video_contest_20101213.cfm

Added by janine.rvanews on December 7, 2010

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