1 West Campbell
Campbell, California 95008

2008 is a critical election year, and the SVCF is sponsoring a roundtable discussion on Political Leadership Coaching, led by Michelle Randall, PCC, MBA. Michelle is the editor and co-author of "Winning Without Compromising...Yourself: Unlocking Personal and Professional Mastery in the Political Arena," and her clients include members of the US House of Representatives, state legislative leaders, and elite business executives.

Imagine that coaching principles replaced partisanship in government. What would be different in our legislatures? What could be achieved in our lifetime? Less than 25% of the public has confidence in Congress, and just 33% in President Bush. With the upcoming elections, we have a chance to shape our local, state, and nationwide government both by voting and by helping spread the use and acceptance of coaching in this dynamic arena.

This is our chance to gain a better understanding of the needs of our political representatives, and to give them a better understanding of coaching and how intrinsic our practice can be to their success.

This is an opportunity for political leaders and advisors to share their perspectives, address the SVCF, and learn more about the power of coaching and how it can make our elected officials even more successful. Coaching is one of the fastest-growing professional fields today, and is potentially subject to legislative interest over the next few years. Leading executives around the world have embraced coaching as a critical tool in their own development and that of their organizations. Learning more about political coaching can help you get the position you want and achieve the results you desire.
If you are interested in participating on our panel, please contact SVCF Co-Chair Joanne Sperans Hartzell (1-650-368-3297; joanne@volocoaching.com) today!

Free for members of the 4 Bay Area Coaching Chapters; $10 for guests.

Official Website: http://www.siliconvalleycoachfederation.org/meetings_events.php

Added by FullCalendar on January 11, 2008

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