2 Independent Dr
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Date: Saturday May 30th, 2009
Time: 9:00am
Register your child now for the 12 week Kids Marathon!

1st Annual Shannon Miller Kids Marathon

The Shannon Miller Foundation has partnered with the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Jacksonville, Florida to introduce the Shannon Miller Kids Marathon, a 12 week program to help get youth involved with physical fitness and making healthy lifestyle choices.

Kid’s ages 7-14 will run or walk 25 miles over a 12 week period. The last 1.2 miles will be run on "Race Day", Saturday May 30th at the Jacksonville Landing. When the athletes cross the finish line, they will have run the entire distance of an Olympic marathon, 26.2 miles!

Official Website: http://www.shannonmillerfoundation.com

Added by smkmarathon on February 8, 2009