washington street
Binghamton, New York 13902

Incredible! Shanghai Acrobats
Sold-Out on Broadway!

Saturday, March 17
3 pm Matinee
& 7:30 pm

Astonishing athletes defy gravity and execute breathtaking feats as they stretch the limits of human ability in this spellbinding show. Fearless performers with boundless energy bring you more than two thousand years of Chinese circus traditions. If it's humanly possible-and even if it's not! - Shanghai's acrobats, jugglers and contortionists do it with spectacular flair. Reviewers have said:

"Feats of circus art that reach literally breathtaking heights of skill...the New Shanghai Circus is providing entertainment in abundance"
- The New York Times

"Everyone was delighted with the skill poise, charm and flourish...a very entertaining show...2,000 kids and their parents assembled for the Boston debut of the New Shanghai Circus"
- The Boston Globe

- CBS News

The show is a beautifully orchestrated presentation of Chinese circus acts dating back to harvest festivals of 2000 years ago. This modern day performance is enhanced by fabulous choreography, amazing lighting, enchanting scenery, and powerful music.

Audience members are enthralled by astounding contortionists, masterful acrobats, and clever comedians. They see feats of incredible skill and imagination. They gasp at many of the gravity-defying feats and applaud at the super-human displays of power and extraordinary grace.

In acts that often trace their origin to the harvest festivals of more than 2,000 years ago, this youthful, handsome and graceful company spends a swift two hours in a range of demanding performances, most of them typifying Chinese circus and constituting a refreshing alternative to the Western tradition. Under the direction of Zhao Lizhi, the artistry, individually and collectively, attains levels that make it seem almost unfair to single out any act, from jugglers to the comic knife throwers.

Confronted by feats like this, onlookers can catch their breath while witnessing a very funny knife-throwing act and soothing eye and ear with the consistently artful costumes, atmospheric lighting and music." - The New York Times

For more information, contact David Shaw: 425.444.5052

Official Website: http://www.artbeatshows.org/presentations/NewShanghai.html

Added by artspromo on January 19, 2012

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