3143 Calhoun Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70125

Shamsi's Anatomy of Bellydance section 2 - Torso and FeetSaturday, March 6, 2010 - 3:30 - 5PM

3/6/10 Week 2 - Torso and Feet - What have your torso and feet got to do with one another? Find out in this second section of Anatomy of Bellydance with Shamsi. Learn how the torso and feet interact, enhance and combine to give you the best possible dance foundation and food for thought as you grow your own dance. Class time will focus on awareness, subtle technique and understanding how our different parts of our bodies work synergistically in our previously unconscious movements.

COST IS $30 for each class or $50 when both are purchased together.

Classes will be held at Crescent Lotus Dance Studio in New Orleans. For more information about the class, email shamsi@shamsidances.com or for more information about the studio space, email perchance2dream@hotmail.com

Official Website: http://www.shamsidances.com/bellydance

Added by shamsidances on February 18, 2010