November 25th or December 9th, 3 to 5:30 PM
Shamanic journeys have been practiced around the world for millennia, in our search for connection to invisible forces of our world. We look for a way to come closer to the Divine, however we may name it. Whatever your spiritual orientation, the shamanic journey can be a means to experience and communicate with the spiritual realm that exists. This direct experience, through moving your consciousness into the realm of the non-ordinary reality, is a powerful source of teachings, guidance, and healing.
In these workshops, you will learn the basics of shamanic journeying, with the skills needed to integrate shamanic journeying into your own spiritual routine. We will spend about a third of our time in the journeys, and have plenty of time for personal reflection, sharing and questions.
Katrina has been studying and practicing journeywork for over seven years. She also holds an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy, and is an ordained Interfaith Minister.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 18, 2012