35 Wyman St.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

Calling to all those who are on the healing path, or would like to be... The Earth and her peoples are crying out for deep soul healing. Will you help? Learn powerful techniques to help others that address the profound relationship between the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Strengthen the power of your intuition so that your inner guidance system can assist you to assist others. Empower yourself to be the healer you are through a deep compassionate awareness of self and others.

Friday, January 19th, 7:30-10:30pm
Saturday, January 20th, 10am-6pm

Taught by Sylvia Brallier Author, Dancing in the Eye of Transformation, and director of the Tantric Shamanism Institute.
Pre-register for the program at: info@tantricshamanism.com or (617) 522-3000
Sponsored by the heARTbeat Collective.

Added by Sylvia B on January 10, 2007

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