1231 West View Road
Goochland, Virginia 23063

The 1st annual Shalom Farms Fall Harvest Dinner will be October 25th at 7 pm at Shalom Farms @ Westview on the James. Todd Johnson, celebrated Chef and Co-Owner of Mezzanine and Belly Timber Tavern, will be in the kitchen preparing a seasonal 4 course menu featuring produce from Shalom Farms, Rock Castle Farms, Manakintowne Growers, and Roots and Feathers Farm. Tickets are $60 per person. Vegetarians welcome! For more information or questions call 266-9350 or email dbarrett@umumr.org.
Shalom Farms is a nonprofit community farm initiative of United Methodist Urban Ministries of Richmond with the overarching goal of increasing food security in the Richmond region, particularly in low-income urban neighborhoods. Visit Facebook.com/shalomfarms or shalomfarms.org for more info.

Official Website: http://shalomfarms.eventbrite.com/

Added by janine.rvanews on October 19, 2010

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