Can shale gas production overcome growing environmental concerns?
Shale gas has transformed the US energy industry with 20% of the country’s energy now coming from this unconventional resource. But is this a viable energy source for Europe? The US Energy Information Administration estimate that there is 17.5 trillion cubic metres of technically recoverable shale gas in Europe but its production has received negative press and condemnation from both environmental groups and sections of the public.
SMi Group’s inaugural Shale Gas Environmental Summit will fully address and debate the environmental issues and offers the oil and gas industry the opportunity to fully understand the concerns of environmental groups and to seek to overcome these fears.
The main focus of the summit is to examine the existing, current and proposed Shale Gas extraction, with a focus on the associated environmental impacts, allowing an insight from the commercial and environmental leaders. This will then be complemented by examining the risks associated with extraction, environmental benefits and challenges, public opposition and support, responsible development and product management, achieving environmental compliance and the future of environmental legislation, and commercial challenges and opportunities. We will also examine the environmental legislation differences between the US and European markets, which influence viability and potential of the gas market. The conference will allow the often by-passed environmental challenges and opportunities to be openly discussed and debated to allow engagement of all those involved from all sides allow increased transparency and understanding.
Attendees to the Shale Gas Environmental Summit will:
• Understand the concerns of the environmental community and establish dialogue with public authorities
• Engage with legal professionals who will be addressing legislation governing Europe
• Hear from experienced technology companies on best practice, solutions and the hydro-social challenge
• Discover what the future holds for shale gas extraction
• Examine the economic benefits and applications of shale gas
For the full conference programme visit
Alternatively for further information and the opportunity to register, contact Andrew Gibbons on +44 (0) 20 7827 6156 or Email:
Official Website:
Added by Vinh Trinh on July 5, 2011