131 Chrystie St
New York, New York 10002

SHAKIN' ALL OVER UNDER SIDEWAYS DOWN! New York Night Train's weekly rough and ready maximum rock'n'soul get-down featuring the dynamic 45rpm magic of North America's most popular soul party DJ, MR. JONATHAN TOUBIN (http://www.newyorknighttrain.com/about/)! Flip out to Mr. T's wild bag of exquisite party favors - raw obscurities, novelties, and classics from all around the world for your dancing pleasure: R&B, soul, garage, girl groups, British invasion, rockabilly, international freakbeat, etc etc etc

CONTORT YOURSELF! This week resident MR TOUBIN will once again be joined by the one and only JAMES CHANCE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Chance), live and in person - both DJ-ing and PLAYING HIS SAXOPHONE! The leader of The Contortions and James White and the Blacks, one of the most dynamic and important figures in contemporary music, Mr Chance is the father of both the dance punk and no wave music genres – changing the world not only his legendary recordings on seminal LPs like No New York, Buy, and Off-White, but with his insane live show blending sweat-drenched James Brown dance moves, blood-soaked Iggy Pop recklessness, and skronky Albert Ayler-ish saxophone improvisation – dizzying the world with his blurry dance all over the borders black and white and art and trash and past and future. Any of you who saw James in April, literally on the bar blowing his horn, dancing and knocking over drinks, know James brings all of the same excitement that he used to punch rock and roll in the nose to Home Sweet Home’s DJ booth and dance floor.


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- twitter (https://twitter.com/NY_Night_Train)
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and join the mailing list at:
- mailinglist@newyorknighttrain.com

Added by newyorknighttrain on August 18, 2010

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