Shakin' All Over Under Sideways Down! New York Night Train's weekly rough and ready maximum rock'n'soul get-down featuring the dynamic 45rpm magic of North America's most popular soul party DJ, MR. JONATHAN TOUBIN! Shake and shimmy to Mr. T's wild bag of exquisite party favors - raw obscurities, novelties, and classics from all around the world for your dancing pleasure.
Tonight MR T returns from a Canadian jaunt just in time to meet up and get down with one of his most consistently fun guest DJs, JAMES SCLAVUNOS of GRINDERMAN and NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS. Not only is Jim documented as one of the tallest musicians to play in a rock and roll band, but this legendary musician hasn't only drummed for a stream of important bands (from Teenage Jesus and the Jerks to 8-Eyed Spy to Sonic Youth, Alex Chilton, Tav Falco and the Panther Burns, The Cramps, and the list never stops), but he's also moonlit for years as "DJ Goofy". It's been a while since Jim's turned a gig in NYC as he's been on tour and in London most of the time.
New York Night Train takes the next step on its war on mediocre music and nightlife by upping the ante at Home Sweet Home a notch - announcing a firm guest DJ schedule in which he will be flying in his musician, collector, and DJ heroes from around the world every week. And the cover will remain $3!
Here's the remainder summer guest series:
- july 9: Kid Congo Powers (Washington, DC) - In The Red Records solo recording artist (formerly of The Cramps, Gun Club, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, etc)
- july 17: Ian Svenonius (Washington, DC) - of Vice TV's "Soft Focus," author of "Psychic Soviet," leader of Chain and the Gang (formerly of Make-Up, Nation of Ulysses, Weird War, etc.)
- july 24: DJ Primo (San Francisco) - DJ/promoter of SF institution Oldies Night
- july 31: Howie Pyro (L.A.) - Intoxica Radio DJ, founder/DJ of legendary Green Door party, and former bassist of Danzig, D-Generation, and '77 CBGB punks The Blessed
- Aug 6: Dan Kroha (Detroit) - guitarist/vocalist for The Gories, Demolition Doll Rods, etc
- *Aug 13: Josh Styles (NYC) of the Smashed! Blocked! party (subbing for Jonathan Toubin - his favorite DJ) w/guest Todd-O-Phonic Todd (Hoboken, NJ) of WFMU, Maxwell's and Southpaw, and the head of Telstar, Candy, and Satan Records
- Aug 20: James Chance (NYC) of the Contortions and James White and the Blacks
- Aug 27: Phast Preddie the Boogaloo Omnibus (NYC) the legendary "Backdoor Man" of Subway Soul Club, Wang Dance Doodle, and Big Ten Inch!
Official Website:
Added by newyorknighttrain on June 30, 2010