134 West 46th Street
New York, New York

Cost: Online in advance: Members $10, Non-Members $15. At the door: $20 everyone. Cash only at the door.
SPECIAL OFFER - FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Sign up now and get a FREE ticket for a friend! See "MORE INFO" link below for details.
* Make quality business connections and mingle with top professionals.
* Enjoy complimentary nibbles. Cash bar.
* The next day we'll email you the list of confirmed attendees to help you follow up with your new contacts.
* This event is for all professionals seeking new business and opportunities!
* Who Attends Our Events? Attorneys, Financial and Real Estate professionals and Investors, CEO's, entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketing professionals, techies, creatives, writers, designers, film makers, architects, and many more professionals!
* Only those who sign up in advance online will receive the list of attendees. SO BOOK NOW!
Don't forget your business cards!
MORE INFO ABOUT THIS EVENT AT: http://www.networkingforprofessionals.com/eventlistings.php?event=SSNY
BOOK THIS EVENT NOW AT: http://www.networkingforprofessionals.com/basket.php?event=SSNY
TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND CONTACTS AT: http://www.networkingforprofessionals.com/eventlistings.php?invite=SSNY

Added by AmandaNFP on August 19, 2011

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