Creativity Explored studio artists reflect on the age-old question "How do I look?" and get face to face with themselves in a new exhibition of self portraits and other explorations of the self entitled “ShadowShine.” Artist Pablo Calderon has always been his own favorite subject. Calderon’s now widely recognized saucer-eyed, curly-haired visage appears on everything he paints. Jason Hunt’s series of portraits express his emotional ups and downs – each image happy, sad and mad in varying degrees. Sara O’Sullivan, one of Creativity Explored’s most outgoing personalities, sums it up with the words “The $15,000 Mouth” etched over her small grinning face painted on a round of wood. Artist Camille Holvoet explores the language of self with a boldly painted sign on which she admits “I have a grudge every day.”
WHAT: ShadowShine – A group art exhibition of self portraits and other explorations of the self at San Francisco’s Creativity Explored
WHEN: Opening Reception – Thursday, May 3, 2007 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Exhibit Dates and Times – May 3 – June 14, 2007, Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday 1 to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Creativity Explored Gallery
3245 Sixteenth St. at Guerrero, San Francisco 94103
INFO: (415) 863-2108
Official Website:
Added by suemking on April 10, 2007