"Shadow Puppets," a VMFA Teacher Workshop is led by Twyla Kitts from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in Pauley Center Studio B.
VMFA's collection includes 17 shadow puppets from South India. Although these leather puppets are exquisitely cut, embossed and painted with vibrant colors, only their moving shadows are cast on a semi-transparent screen - acting out the great epic stories of India. (Suitable for recertification points.)
To register, telephone the VMFA Ticket Desk at (804) 340-1405. Tickets are also available online at https://tickets.vmfa.museum/public/.
The fee is $20 per person (members $18). For additional information, telephone (804) 204-2662 or
e-mail Twyla.Kitts@vmfa.museum.
Official Website: http://www.vmfa.museum/Events2.html
Added by RVANews on January 2, 2010