The Shades of Jazz on Noir film presents excerpts from the classic film noir works of the 1940s and 1950s crafted to express the fatality, passion, and danger created by directors who pioneered the lively lighting techniques and psychologically expressive approach to classic noir. Shades of Jazz on Noir is projected onto a large screen as documentary and is the second instalment of a film noir and jazz series created for Luxembourg European Cultural Capital 2007. The first film, A Touch of Noir was a view from the wounded male perspective ala James Dean and has been performed in Europe (Luxembourg, Netherlands). Shades of Jazz on Noir is viewed from the Femme Fatale of those classics creating a fresh and unusual media experience. Shades of Jazz on Noir will combine the passion and despondency of classic film noir with the texture and dynamism of modern improvisation, resulting in a unique, growth oriented experience for students of film, jazz
and new music. This highly original project features Herb Robertson, David Chevan, Angelica Sanchez , Lotte Anker & Matt Darriau who will literally plate jazz on Noir. Film by Ana Isabel Ordonez
Official Website:
Added by ESIOTROT on April 2, 2008