Hamber Foundation Boardroom 470
As part of the SFU Library Special Collections
series, Share the Enthusiasm, long-time
printer/publisher, collector and author, Robert
McCamant, will discuss his strategies for
collecting and publishing.
Robert McCamant was one of the founders of
the Chicago Reader, one of the oldest and most
successful American alternative weeklies. For 23
years, McCamant was the paper’s art designer
and later its vice-president.
In 1984, he became proprietor, designer,
and editor of Sherwin Beach Press (www.
sherwinbeach.com); the Press publications have
been in many exhibitions, recently the NYPL’s
“Ninety for the Nineties”.
McCamant is a member of the Association
typographique internationale, the American
Institute of Graphic Arts and Chicago’s
prestigious Caxton Society for which he edits
their journal, The Caxtonian. He is an advisor to
the Codex Foundation and North American chair
of the Fine Press Books Association.
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Alcuin Society.
Refreshments following lecture.
Free Admission – limited seating
RSVP at 778.782.6704 or library at sfu.ca
Official Website: http://www.alcuinsociety.com/events/
Added by jmv on February 16, 2008