Right now it’s 6:30am in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep because I’ve been dreaming a dream so vivid and so powerful that it can’t even be dreamed while sleeping. I’ve been dreaming of kickball.
I toss and I turn, running the bases in my mind, kicking balls in my sleep, dripping with sweat in my sheets. My legs won’t stop, my heart won’t stop, my mind won’t stop, turning over and over again, faster and faster, itching-waiting-wanting… needing to play the game.
This Sunday (July 13th) is the final kickball game of the seasons: The Final Countdown, the All-Star game, the end-all, the be-all, the bring-it-all, the leave-nothing-on-the-field.
When I think about how far we’ve come (and how far we’ll go), a tear is brought to my eye. At the beginning of this season, we were all kickball wanna-be’s. Now we’re a long-ball-kicking, impossible-catch-making, double-play-hitting, home-base-sliding, chugg-off-downing force to be reckoned with. That’s right, we’re “all stars” now.
We’ll… the All-Star game is nigh and I promised you all something big. I won’t fail to deliver.
It’s going to 80 degrees and sunny in Golden Gate Park this weekend. But I have a feeling, an inkling, that the heat is going to bust into the 100’s in Lindley Meadow. That’s how hot this game’s gonna be because that’s how hot kickballers are. I see only one solution to this radiating ball of kickball hotness. Ladies and Gentleman, I bring you… Slip ‘n Slide.
So… Bring your friends, bring you family, bring your pets, bring yourselves and beat the heat this Sunday with the finest bunch of KickBallers I know.
This is it: The Final Countdown. Live the dream.
dodo deee doo. do do dit dit doooo!
Official Website: http://sfkbc.com
Added by alpjor on July 10, 2008