Many filmmakers believe that their works must conform to pre-established models in order to be funded and broadcast in today’s documentary climate, the most popular structural model being the character-driven documentary. But is this the only viable documentary form? Not according to the world’s only full-fledged documentary funding service, the Independent Television Service (ITVS).
This special Film Arts Forum breaks the popular myth that broadcasters and programmers primarily are seeking character-driven documentaries that follow a three-act structure. Featuring clips from inventive non-narrative documentaries, representatives from ITVS, New Doc Editing and the Film Society will share ideas and techniques aimed at fostering truly innovative documentary storytelling.
The evening features a keynote address by Richard Saiz, senior programming manager for ITVS. Karen Everett of New Doc Editing will then provide an overview of innovative structural approaches to documentaries. Next, Michele Turnure-Salleo, director of Filmmaker Services at SFFS, will address the topic of institutional funding of documentaries and highlight a selection of compelling documentary projects supported by the Film Society. This portion of the evening will conclude with a dialogue between Saiz and Everett about contemporary currents in documentary production and questions from the audience. Afterwards guests will be available for further discussion in smaller groups.
The Forum will come to a close with the popular Laptop Shop, a unique opportunity for filmmakers to screen their clips, trailers, marketing materials and design directions for peer-to-peer review and feedback. Filmmakers are welcome to bring their laptops and any materials that they would like to distribute.
SFFS Film Arts Forum is the Film Society’s bimonthly information-sharing, discussion, networking, professional development jamboree. It’s an opportunity for local filmmakers and cineastes to meet one another and talk about their craft. SFFS gets the conversation started with dynamic presentations, topical panels, works-in-progress screenings and trade secrets.
Tickets $5 year-round SFFS members; $8 general. Must be 21+ to attend.
Official Website:,70&pageid=1507
Added by cinesoul on January 22, 2010