Oct 24, 11:00-11:20am, 11:40am-12:00pm, & 12:20-12:40pm
Developed in partnership with the Crowden School, these delightful 20-minute concerts for ages 0-6 teach musical concepts, offer hands-on activities, and encourage lots of movement and dancing. Three performances, all during Crowden's Community Music Day. Admission FREE!
Strings, woodwinds, and brass are the musical ingredients for the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra. Do you know the difference between a viola and a trombone? Come and find out!
More and more Bay Area families are discovering our great introductions to classical music--SFCO Family Concerts! These entertaining and imaginative concerts are not to be missed.
Official Website: http://www.sfchamberorchestra.org/concerts/for-families/
Added by FullCalendar on October 8, 2010