800 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, California

Free and Open to the Public
Free Snacks and Drinks


SFAI's Center for Media Culture and Leonardo, The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, will co-sponsor the next SFAI Design + Technology Salon on April 6 from 7 - 9:30 PM during which the RAQs Collective will initiate a discussion on the topic of "The Strange Destiny of Open Source in the Nation State" accompanied by a presentation on intellectual property issues by San Jose based writer and librarian Steve Cisler. The salon will consist of short 20-minute presentations followed by an ?open mic? and a lively Q&A. An open wine bar and food will precede the presentations and dessert will follow.
Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi, and Shuddhabrata Sengupta of Raqs Media Collective from New Delhi are the Spring 2006 Fellows of SFAI's Center for Media Culture. Raqs is a collective of artists who work in new media and digital art practice, documentary filmmaking, photography, media theory, research, criticism, and curating. Their work has been exhibited at the Guangzhou Triennial, China; the Venice Biennale; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels; Walker Art Center; and Documenta 11, Germany.

For More Information

RAQs Collective: http://www.raqsmediacollective.net
Sarai: http://www.sarai.net
Leonardo: http://www.leonardo.info
Design+Technology Salon http://www.sfai.edu/design/salon

Join the Mailing List


Press Contact

Paul Klein, paulklein@sfai.edu, 415.749.4589.
Chair, Design+Technology Department

Added by kidproto on March 28, 2006



Did I mention that there will be very special appetizers and lots of free wine at this event?


May bring some media designers in from Copenhagen...


I like that! The view is great of the bay from where we are having this at SFAI. :)


You went overboard sending this to groups. For example, I cannot see how this is related to the "blasthaus fans" group.


Yeah, seriously: kidproto, you are being a tool