The San Francisco Film Society’s acclaimed SF360 Film+Club, a monthly social screening series, presents Mike Relm and Peanut Butter Wolf, a frenetic night of visual and musical bliss, featuring the amazing audio/visualists Mike Relm and Peanut Butter Wolf on Friday, December 5 at 9:00 pm at Mezzanine (444 Jessie Street at Mint).
The final SF360 Film+Club of 2008 will feature three artists renowned for their dizzying uses of popular culture. Audio/visualist Mike Relm and underground DJ/producing legend Peanut Butter Wolf will present live VJ sets. Joining them will be local mash-up artist and resident Club Bootie DJ Party Ben. Relm is a pioneering mash-up DJ who is equally inventive with the live, real-time mixing of video imagery. With his new studio album Spectacle—coming fresh on the heels of the groundbreaking DVD Clown Alley—the question becomes, What can’t Relm do? Clearly, there is very little he won’t take on, as you will see in this breathtaking live show. Paired with Relm is the founder of Stones Throw Records—one of the most vital hip-hop labels around—and an equally unique talent, Peanut Butter Wolf. PBW’s track record of working with and finding the most innovative names in the music business (Kool Keith, Cut Chemist, Madlib) speaks for itself. Lately PBW has turned to VJing with an emphasis on classic and rare hip-hop fare. Opening the evening is Club Bootie resident DJ Party Ben. Like Relm, Ben mashes together the sounds and images of pop culture with an astounding sense of what’s popular and a keen ear and eye for fun. This is a can’t-miss party that will present some of the most innovative mixing techniques currently in play.
Doors open at Mezzanine at 9:00 pm. Tickets are $15/SFFS year-round members and $20/general, available Must be 21+ to attend.
SF360 Film+Club was chosen the Best Dance-Floor Flick Fix, by the editors of the San Francisco Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay 2008 edition, who wrote, “Our favorite SF360 shindig is its monthly SF360 Film+Club night at Mezzanine, which screens underground films to a room of intoxicated cinephiles.”
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Added by cinesoul on November 18, 2008