Melee: A confused tumultuous mingling, as of a crowd; a free-for-all.
Those of you into wine have surely gathered at a friend's, with each contributing a bottle. Let's do it up Bay Area style and see what happens if 300+ fun folks get together in the same format.
That's right, your single $15+ bottle will give you access to $5,000+ worth of wine ... that's scalability!
No admission fee for this event, just bring your printed Eventbrite confirmation or ticket, and a $15 or more bottle of wine. As you enter, you will be given a name badge, and so will your bottle, so you can receive the praise you truly deserve.
Wine will be grouped by varietal and region, so you can gravitate to Chardonnay or South America, if that's your preference. After all, a great way to learn more about wine and develop your palate is to taste and compare similar wines.
So no Sutter Home, no Two Buck Chuck, no Yellowtail please! We will be set up to check retail pricing, online and via cell phone.
Register online at:
Map of Fort Mason - the Fleet Room is in Landmark Building D:
No one under 21 admitted.
Please drink responsibly.
Please contact or 510-913-4107 with any questions.
No fee - bring a $15+ bottle of wine.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 10, 2009