Burnt out on Halloween? Hungover? Paralyzed by pre-election anxiety? Get your streetwise spirit back by claiming some serious SF Street Turf in an all-out massively multiplayer real world game of Capture the Flag! In the streets and green spaces of San Francisco!!!
Sunday's game will be based on Turf, an online game based on the classic real-world games of Capture the Flag and Risk. All players get t-shirts to wear and to take home! (Not to mention a totally fun and thrilling afternoon!) Winners get glory and lifetime bragging rights. (At least until the next Street Turf event!)
Bring friends. TELL FRIENDS! Pre-registration is not required, but signing up ahead of time by emailing cherdlick@gmail.com guarantees you a spot in the game (and a t-shirt!). Teams will be assigned on game day, so you can be placed with friends and against enemies. ;-)
Wear comfortable shoes.
3pm - The Panhandle, Shrader between Fell/Oak
$FREE to play
$FREE T-shirts for players!
Spread the word. Word.
(about Turf - http://www.playturf.net)
(about Catherine - http://www.paradeofkites.com)
Official Website: http://www.playturf.net
Added by kitegrrlie on October 22, 2008