525 Brannan Street 3rd floor
San Francisco, California

The fourth Wed. of the month is the free monthly gathering of online community managers, enthusiasts, and innovators to meet and discuss tools and strategies for building and managing effective communities.

The Online Community Report is back this month , fresh from the Online Community Unconference and ready to discuss online community tools and techniques. This month our guest speaker is Brad Selby from Flixster , an online community for movie lovers. Brad's talk will kick off an informal discussion on online community strategies, so bring your ideas, questions, and topics of interest. We'll have time for informal networking before and after so you have a chance to chat more with fellow online community enthusiasts.

Hope to see you there!

Speaker Bio: Brad Selby is the Project Manager for Flixster , where he and his small team create cool new features for a community of 42 million movie fans. He has also worked done product management and marketing at eBay, PayPal, and Audible.com. Brad’s interests include community management, social graph building, fighting spam, SEO, and craft beer

RSVP to the MeetUp group . You can also join the San Francisco Online Community Report MeetUp group on Facebook .

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/event.php?eid=43061619981

Added by kenyeung on June 22, 2009