SF IndieFest 2011
2nd SF Winter Music Festival Feb 3-17
8 showcases, 2 stages, and over 40 bands
The best punk, metal, ska, swing, rockabilly and indie rock from around the Bay and beyond!
@CELLspace, 2050 Bryant St, SF, CA 94110
HEART TOUCH / Keno Mapp (with Angelo Moore), Sistas In The Pit, Punk Funk Mob, Leather Feather, Dr. Madd Vibe
Los Shimmy Shakers, Fool Proof Four, Taxes, Yoma Band, Shit Outta Luck, Thief, Nervous Energy
Feb6: Best of Bay Area Punk SuperBowl AfterParty!
Fracas, Kicker!, Bite, FUKM, Sad Boy Sinister, Crooked As Fuck
Cheap drinks, booze, snacks, and early day fun! $2 beers, $3 shots
SuperBowl XLV: "Men In Tights" Game on the bigscreen @3pm FREE!!
GUTWRENCH, Black Dream, Spawn Atomic, Shake Me!, MC MeatHook & The Vital Organs, Chronic Demonik
Fromagique, Phil Berkowitz and his Dirty Swing Cats, The BadMen, Lost Dog Found, Blue Diamond Fillups, Nihilist Cunt
Feb12: 2 shows-
"Next Gen" All Ages Early Day show~
School of Rock, Malicious, The Agent Deadlies, La Toska
21+ evening show-
Brass Hysteria!, Franco Nero, Whiskey Avengers,
Rockfight, Braata
Memphis MurderMen, Harrington Saints, Wicked Mercies, The Pendletons, 5 Fingers of Death
For more info & details, go to:
Official Website: http://www.sfindie.com/
Added by PePs X on January 24, 2011