The Hobart Building, 582 Market Street at Montgomery
San Francisco, California 94104


Presented by Tachyon Publications
A FREE monthly SF/F author event
SF IN SF - Science Fiction. San Francisco. A Perfect Fit.




Lounge and cash bar open at 5:30PM
6:00 PM readings

PATRICIA MCKILLIP - "one of the foremost American authors of fantasy and science fiction novels, distinguished by lyrical, delicate prose and careful attention to detail and characterization." She won the World Fantasy Award in 1975 for THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, the Locus Award in 1980 for HARPIST IN THE WIND and the World Fantasy Award in 2005 for OMBRIA IN SHADOW. Her novels have the further distinction of beautiful cover paintings by artist Kinuko Y. Craft. She is also the author of The Riddlemaster trilogy, comprising THE RIDDLEMASTER OF HED, HEIR OF SEA AND FIRE, and HARPIST IN THE WIND; her most recent novels include ALPHABET OF THORN, OD MAGIC, HARROWING THE DRAGON,and SOLSTICE WOOD, winner of the 2007 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature. She is married to David Lunde, a poet.

DAVID LUNDE - "Lunde has been Co-Editor and Publisher of The Basilisk Press, Managing Editor of Drama & Theater, and Poetry Editor of The Riverside Quarterly. He is the author of seven books of poetry, the most recent of which are BLUES FOR PORT CITY (Mayapple Press), HEART TRANSPLANTS & OTHER MISAPPROPRIATIONS (Mellen Poetry Press), and NIGHTFISHING IN GREAT SKY RIVER (Anamnesis Press). He has won the Academy of American Poets Prize and two Rhysling Awards for Best SF Poem of the year. Lunde's poems and translations have appeared in Poetry, TriQuarterly, Feminist Studies, Renditions, Field, Northwest Review, Asimov's SF and more than 230 other magazines and anthologies." He is married to Patricia McKillip, an author.

Each author will read a selection from their work followed by Q&A from the audience, moderated by author Terry Bisson. Authors will schmooze and sign books afterwards in the lounge. Books will be available for sale during event

Seating is limited - first come, first seated.
If you have read HARROWING THE DRAGON please join the Borderlands Books SF Book Club beforehand, at 4:30PM, to discuss; meeting goes til 5:30PM, and attendees are invited to stay for the authors reading and Q & A afterwards.
The Variety Preview Room
The Hobart Building, 1st Floor
582 Market St. @ Montgomery, by Montgomery St. MUNI/BART
Entrance to the Hobart Bldg. is between Citibank and Quiznos

Take MUNI or BART instead of driving! Drive to an outlying BART Station and take BART into the City - The Montgomery St. exit is steps away from our front door.

Books for sale at event courtesy of Borderlands Books - check them out at

Come early and hang out in the lounge!
Bar proceeds benefit Variety Childrens’ Charity of Northern California

Phone (night of event)- 415-572-1015
questions? Email

Official Website:

Added by SFinSFEvents on April 1, 2008