SF in SF: A monthly Science Fiction author reading series
7 PM, Thursday September 28th
New College Valencia Theatre
777 Valencia Street, San Francisco
$4 at the door
FREE to New College community
Ellen Klages won the Nebula Award in 2005 for her story, “Basement Magic.” Her first novel, GREEN GLASS SEA, about two curious girls living in Los Alamos during the war, will be published in October by Viking. Her first short-story collection, PORTABLE CHILDHOODS, will be published in 2007 by local independent press, Tachyon Publications. Klages also serves on the Motherboard of the James Tiptree, Jr. Award.
Madeleine Robins is the author of the urban fantasies THE STONE WAR (1999), POINT OF HONOUR (2003) and PETTY TREASON (2006), as well as numerous fantasy and science fiction short stories. A native New Yorker, she now lives in San Francisco with her family and the Incredible Hulk of lemon trees.
Discussion and book signing afterward
Books will be available for sale, courtesy of Borderlands Books
Event curated by Adam Cornford, Karen Williams & Terry Bisson
This is an ongoing, monthly event - sign up at the event to receive notice of the next author appearance, or check upcoming.org!!
Added by SFinSFEvents on September 25, 2006