Join in the GreenTech explosion at SF Green on March 4th at 111 Minna Gallary, a GreenTech mixer co-produced by Room Full of People, inc. (organizers of SF Beta, the "king of web 2.0 mixers") & Steve Newcomb's (blog of former Powerset founder now gone Green.) SF Green will bring together founders, developers, investors, bloggers, and other key players in the emerging GreenTech field.
SF Beta attracts over 300 people to their meet-ups, hosted every other month in downtown San Francisco. SF Beta has been featured in Wired,
CNET, Red Herring,, StarkedSF, and more. Now, SF Beta goes Green with SF Green, creating the leading mixer in Green Tech. Come ready for tasty gourmet appetizers, a full cash bar, tons of live demos from green startups, and great company throughout the night.
Steve Newcomb has been involved in 5 successful startup companies ranging from an energy company, to several .com companies. Now he is focusing all of his attention on creating the tipping point in the
sustainability movement by pushing initiatives in government, business, and the broader social landscape.
SF Green is also supported by the California Clean Tech Open.
Official Website:
Added by roomfullofpeople on February 8, 2008