Join SF Fun Raisers for a great day in the park!
Nothing says summer like BBQ, beer and recess flashbacks.
SFFR is combining all these together into one event, our second
annual charity kickball tournament and BBQ! Come play or watch, enjoy some good food and meet new people, all while helping a great charity. Net proceeds from the event go to Real Options for City Kids (ROCK).
Over 170 kickballers played in last year's tournament, and we raised $6,000. We expect this year to be even bigger!
The kickball tourney will have 10-15 teams of up to 20 people. We will publish the schedule of games about a week before the event. If you’re not interested in playing, in addition to watching the action, we will have other great activities and food. Event is BYOB.
Participation costs $30 per individual registering for the kickball tournament before June 1, $35 per individual after May 31. Free t-shirts will be given to all who register before June 14th.
$10 suggested donation per person attending event but not
playing kickball. Payment can be made at the event, advanced payment is not required.
In order to be assured a spot in the tournament, you must pre-register. Sign up at to start a team, join a team, or register as a "free agent". Free agents will be placed on a team together or will be added to existing teams that need additional players.
Official Website:
Added by SFFunRaisers on May 13, 2008