SF DAY OF ACTION; Stop the Cuts! Tax the Rich!
To Hell with the Super-Committee's Plans! This is a major action in response to calls for massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. It is endorsed by San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Single Payer Now; CARA; Independent Living Resource Center; Jobs with Justice, and many more to come. Assemble 2 PM at the new Federal Building, 7th & Mission, for demonstration against proposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid. 3:30 PM, march through Financial District targeting banks that enriched themselves crashing the economy while we suffer. 5 PM: Celebrate & Defend OccupySF rally/concert at Justin Herman Plaza at foot of Market St.
Read why we need to demonstrate on December 2, even though the Super Committee stalemated. http://wp.me/p3xLR-ss
Download leaflet with more information on the march route, and the sponsors. http://graypantherssf.igc.org/11-12-02-demo.pdf
Added by mlyon01 on November 26, 2011