1116 Folsom St
San Francisco, California 94103

Want to be part of an interdisciplinary, informal group of like-minded people who meet every month to discuss topics in cognitive science over a glass of wine? The SF Cognitive Science Happy Hour is like a book club, but for academic books. Like a fun informal study group, but you don’t need to be at school. Like a social meetup, but with a bit of intellectual meat.

The idea is to do this Barcamp style, but very lightweight. We’d like everyone to come along ready to talk about something they’ve read, thought about, or researched. You can draw this from anywhere - iTunesU lectures, online journals, MIT open courseware, your own research, something you learned at school. The idea is something like 10 mins, followed by discussion with everyone in the group participating. It’s designed to be very low pressure, but to allow members of the group to pass their knowledge on.

We welcome people with backgrounds or interests in any field. The Wikipedia definition of cognitive science includes linguistics, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, computer science, anthropology and biology, but anyone who is interested why our minds work the way they do is welcome.

Official Website: http://sfcogsci.wordpress.com/

Added by CathyE on July 16, 2008



Doh! Turns out that Axis is closed for renovations, so we've moved to the very lovely Terroir wine bar in SOMA. We've reserved the upstairs area so we'll be easy to find :)


Ack! I can't come. Conflict with a yahoo event. =/


My people, my people! I feel like an adopted kid who suddenly finds her family... Going to 18 year old's bday dinner in SF that night, don't think I'll be able to swing by but NEXT TIME I AM THERE!


@Mary We'll definitely have another one in August. Glad to have your enthusiasm though!

@Dave So you're saying Yahoo is cooler than our brainy wine event?