Got a lack of tag clouds in your life? Looking for that perfect Rails mashup? Feeling like you're on the short end of the longtail?
Welcome to Beta, a new monthly mixer for the San Francisco Web 2.0 community. Join us for a relaxed, informal evening full of entrepreneurs, developers, bloggers -- anyone with an interest in the future of the web.
RSVP & More Info:
We'll be welcoming Rafe Needleman from CNET as our guest MC. We'll also be featuring a short routine from Erikka Innes, the founder of Geek Comedy Night. And we're giving six hot startups the chance to pitch their companies with a single limerick. (The list: Guba, Joyent, Shoutfit, LikeBetter, Zooomr, and YouSendIt.)
At the suggestion of several October attendees, suggested contributions for November are now on a sliding scale:
- Regular Folks: $10 door / $8 advance
- Bootstrappers: $5 door / $4 door
- Just Sold to Google: $1.65 (Billion)
Again, here's the link:
Official Website:
Added by thechrispy on October 27, 2006