SF Bay ACM: Crucial Marketing Concepts for Technology Introduction
Spend an hour and leave with a summary of key marketing insights, some rules of thumb for successful innovation, and an explanation of the evolution of technology markets. You will gain a fundamental understanding of the difference between selling an invention and marketing an innovation. Sean will cover strategies that form the basis for conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley for marketing discontinuous or disruptive products.
About the Speaker, Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy has taken an entrepreneurial approach to life since he could drive. He has served as an advisor to dozens of startups, helping them explore new options and bring their businesses to new levels. His firm, SKMurphy, Inc., focuses on early customers and early revenue for software startups, helping engineers to understand business development.
Prior to SKMurphy, Sean worked in a variety of areas including software engineering, engineering management, application engineering, business development, product marketing and customer support. His clients include Cisco Systems, 3Com, AMD, MMC Networks, Escalade and VLSI Technology. Sean holds a BS in Mathematical Sciences and an MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.
His blog is http://www.skmurphy.com/blog/
Official Website: http://www.sfbayacm.org/index.html
Added by FullCalendar on November 6, 2007