Pursuant to AB1825, sexual harassment prevention training for supervisory employees for California employers with over 50 employees is now mandated by law. Heffernan Insurance Brokers offers this training by Pamela J. Marantz, JD, Employment Practice Partner, Murchison & Cumming, LLP in Los Angeles (www.murchisonlaw.com). Ms. Marantz has an extensive background in defending & consulting with employers on issues involving harassment, discrimination, and termination.
Join us for a very eye-opening, interactive training session. Attendees will obtain certificates of completion for attending the full session. This training is suitable for HR and all supervisory employees. Employers may bring as many employees as needed, space permitting.
Please RSVP by October 15th to reserve your space.
RSVP to seminar@heffgroup.com
$25/person, or $10/person for nonprofits. RSVP by Oct. 15. Please mail checks to: Attention, Ann Basco, Heffernan Insurance Brokers, 181 Third Street #200, San Rafael, CA 94901 or you can bring check to the door.
Official Website: http://www.heffgroup.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 9, 2008