3275 Industrial Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Sex Work is REAL Work
comparing countries compassion...

presented by
Susan Lopez
2 showings

Suggested donation: $5, $10, or $20
Australian Sex worker, Jesse Abraham is producing a movie that explores sex work culture in many countries around the world comparing the laws and how these affect the ENTIRE community - sex workers are safe sex experts!
This is a unique story as no one has compared countries before.
This is the first movie produced by a sex worker that explores the lives of sex workers in three different countries. Exploring how the laws affect them on a day to day level.
Exploring and comparing:
• Culture & Compassion.
• Community Values.
• Clients & Condom use.
• Cash payments for skills.
• Cops & Corruption.
• Certificates & Clinics the effectiveness of mandatory testing.
• Control - that the government has over the safely of sex workers.
• Crime against sex workers.
• Compare the contrast of our HIV policies in Australia and how the rest of the world can learn from it.
...of course you can't forget cocks, cunts and the combo mash.
...and of course -- THE CHURCH!

Official Website: http://www.eroticheritagemuseum.com

Added by kimberdawn_60 on June 3, 2009