9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Fr. Malloy’s lecture will show how sex, science, and spirituality with the proper understanding is the recipe for catholic intimacy, and how it can allow us to love one another and make a better world for all. His lecture will explore the cultural ramifications for Catholicism in a world constructed by the cultural assumptions of science and the rapidly transforming meanings of sexuality. The lecture aims to show how the vision and answers of Karl Rahner, Bernard Lonergan, and the Catholic Catechism provide better answers to the problems of our age than the answers provided by Hugh Hefner, Paris Hilton or the characters on television’s "Two and a Half Men" and "The Big Bang."

The lecture will argue that Catholicism should engage these cultural currents in dialogue, rather than retreat into condemnations of what is good and holy in sex and science. His talk will show how science can sometimes fall short in answering the ultimate questions, including: “Why are we here”? “What can we know”? “What ought we to do”?

Added by chc.publicrelations on January 12, 2010