Sex and Relationships Education for young people with physical impairments SRE1
Press the ORDER NOW button to book your place on this two-day training course at the FPA, London, on 21-22 May 2009. If you do not have access to a computer or you have problems with the registration please contact the Training team on 0207 843 6084 or email
training@ncb.org.uk and we will register for you.
Overall AimThis two day practical course will enable practitioners and advisors who work with young people with physical impairments to develop practical approaches to meeting needs in relation to Sex and Relationships Education (SRE).
Young people with physical impairments sometimes have different issues around their sexuality and sexual awareness. Often coming from a background where the body is treated very medically, they can struggle to then express themselves or think about themselves sexually. There are additional issues around t he physical act of sex and staff need to provide support to enable them to address these issues sensitively and confidently.
During the course you will have an opportunity to explore the sex and relationship issues young people with physical impairments confront and develop practical approaches to meeting their needs. Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course participants will:
understand the key issues relating to SRE for young people with physical impairments
have explored social, personal and professional values and attitudes in relation to SRE and how these affect working with young people with physical impairments
have learnt ways to implement SRE with young people with physical impairments
Who should attend?
This course is relevant to all professionals working with young people with physical impairments and learning difficulties.
The course programme covers:
Day 1
what is SRE
why SRE is important for young people with physical impairments
legal issues
rights, responsibilities and risks
working with young people, other professionals and parents
Day 2:
how physical impairments affect sexual health and relationships
reflections on vocabulary
case studies
specific methods
guidelines and best practice for providing SRE for young people with physical impairments
About the trainers
Alison John is an experienced consultant and disability equality trainer in the field of play, early years and inclusion. She holds a certificate in training from Goldsmith's University, London. Alison has personal experience of living in what she calls a "disabling world" and works as a consultant and freelance trainer to bring an inclusive world ever nearer.
Jo Laxton is a published freelance trainer and consultant with more than 19 years practice in the fields of sexual health, sex and relationships education (SRE), and personal development. Experienced in policy and guidelines, project development and implementation, training needs assessement and group facilitation.
Travel and venue information
Please see this map and further information about the venue
All cancellations must be received in writing. In the event of a cancellation, a full refund will be given for one month's notice, a 50% refund for 1 month to 14 days notice and no refund for less than 14 days notice. Substitutions may be made at any time.
Which ticket should you buy?
Please choose the appropriate ticket type. You should check if your organisation has NCB membership, in which case you can apply for an NCB member's ticket.
As an NCB member or non-member, you should also register as coming from the statutory or the voluntary sector. To qualify as a voluntary sector organisation, you must be a registered charity. When you book, please have your registered charity number ready. This also applies to waiting list places.
If your ticket type is fully subscribed, please apply to the appropriate waiting-list.
Organized by National Children's BureauNational Children's Bureau (NCB) is a charitable organisation that acts as an umbrella body for organisations working with children and young people in England & Northern Ireland.
Ticket Info: - NCB/FPA Member - voluntary sector, £303.00
- NCB/FPA Non-Members - voluntary sector, £363.00
- NCB/FPA Member statutory/private sector, £351.00
- NCB non-member statutory/private sector, £404.00
Official Website: http://sre1-upcoming.eventbrite.com