August 11 – A Proliferation of Pillows – 2-6 pm This class will focus on making 3 different styles of pillows. We will do a basic zippered pillow, a box pillow and a bolster. The class is construction based, and we will be using muslin for the fabric. Students will want to take good notes and pictures to document their own progress to reproduce our efforts over and over for their own decorating tastes. This means that the fabric we will be using is not decorative, but plain, and our goal is to understand how to sew these pillows, rather than coming to class to produce the actual pillows that will be used in your home. Students will take home their own creations. All fabric will be pre-cut for the project. Six student maximum in the class. Students registering for this class must know their sewing machine basics, including loading your bobbin, threading your machine, sewing a straight line, pivoting corners and locking stitches.
“Intro to the Machine” - Students wanting to take the Pillows class who don’t know the sewing machine basics mentioned above may take a 2-hour “Intro to the machine” class at noon on the day of the workshop. The “Intro to the Machine” class will meet for 2 hours; noon-two pm and the fee is $35.00 and is a separate fee from the Pillows workshop fee.
Official Website:
Added by maidensweaver on June 24, 2012