Sunday, September 27, 2-3:30 pm at Off-Market Theaters, 965 Mission St, San Francisco. Tickets are $7 at Brown Paper Tickets --
800-838-3006, or at the door.
Three professional comedians doing theatrical solo performances. Al Gonzales (Cobb’s, Big City Improv) presents “Man Made Disaster” – a third generation latino tries to keep his roots grounded as he grows up in a black and white world. Mike Spiegelman (Punchline, SF Fringefest), performs “Salad Jokes Live.” Cucumbers, lettuce, no salad is spared. Also offered are guaranteed losing lottery strategies. Ira Brightman (Hotel Pleasanton, The Marsh Theater) does the life-extension portion of his show, “God, Hitler, and Life-Extension.” Included are a talking fetus and a way to end death.
"Kudos to Big Al Gonzales..." - Goldstar
About Mike Spiegelman -- “Impeccable timing and goofy self-deprecation.” – SF Weekly
Renowned poet HD Moe: "Ira Brightman, a comedian in the outlandish untradition of Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl, & other show & Noh show stoppers has created a deep darkly funny one man drama called GOD, HITLER, AND LIFE-EXTENSION (I've experienced this theatre show with tears of laughter running into my ears)."
Mike Spiegelman
Al Gonzales
Official Website:
Added by longevity900 on September 3, 2009