Born and raised in San Francisco? Come celebrate your roots at the Seventh Annual San Francisco Native Jamboree. This festive event offers a unique opportunity for San Francisco natives to reminisce, reconnect and perhaps bump into a highschool sweetheart, old friend or neighbor. Enjoy a cocktail reception, delicious sit down dinner, dancing, raffle prizes, entertainment and other surprises. Masters of Ceremonies is comedian and magician, Robert Strong. Dinner music pianist, Sandra Cordoni and Dance music by Startracks. This year's theme is San Francisco Landmarks. What is your favorite SF Landmark? Journalist, Tom Graham will be on hand to talk about his experiences walking through the Streets of San Francisco and share his unusual photo collection.
Proceeds from a silent auction benefit The Meals on Wheels of San Francisco, whose agency's mission of delivering nutritious balanced meals to homebound seniors in San Francisco has remained the same since their founding in 1970.
Event sponsors include Pete Brannigan, Realtor, Brown and Company, Monroe Personnel Service, LLC/Temptime, Zellerbach Associates, Hoogasian Flowers, San Francisco Examiner, Cresalia Jewelers, McAvoy O'Hara Evergreen, The Regency Center, Sunset Scavengers, and the Villa D'Este Restaurant. Attendees will receive a San Francisco Native Club Card which will be everyone who attends the Jamboree The card will allow cardholders to receive discounts and special offers from participating retailers, restaurants, businesses and attractions all over Northern California. Must be 21 to attend. Limited time offer: SAVE $10.00 Coupon Code: PROUDNATIVE
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 30, 2010