Learn how to write an eBook, get recognized as an expert, and "toot your own horn." Show your prospects and clients that you are an Expert at what you do. Our speaker, JOAN CLOUT-KRUSE will show you how to write and publish an eBook in 7 easy steps.
Joan, America's Book Coach, helps people "Get Famous with their Words." She creates books, eBooks, web pages and writers' retreats to teach people how to write and market eBooks and books to get more clients. She has studied and worked with many top Internet marketing and writing experts. Her articles have been published on the Internet more than 1,000 times and viewed 23,000 times. She is a member of the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association and The International Writers Association of Writers, Speakers and Experts.
Official Website: http://abwa.biz
Added by FullCalendar on May 31, 2010