2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

This is the ideal time to consider what you aspire to accomplish in the coming year. Capricorn is the sign associated with self-mastery and maturity. It represents where one has devloped an inner sense of authority, integrity, and discipline. What does success mean to you personally? Are there outmoded stories or family conditionings that need to be considered? This is the time to reflect on past successes as well as failures and note where in your physical structure they reside energetically. Any frustration or sense of limitation that may be causing a sense of restriction can be cleansed. It is through focusing creative light energy into the spots where we feel restricted and limited that we establish a new order and open ourselves to the extraordinary. Where the sign Capricorn resides in your astrological birth chart indicates the life experiences that will test you in attaining what you long for, yet Capricorn also rewards tenacity and commitment. Handouts and personal birth chart with notes included. Class size limited to 10. Pre-registration is required so the instructor can have your birth chart ready at the time of class.

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Added by Isis Books and Gifts on February 25, 2009