Anyone ready for change? It's time to close the door on 2009 and open up new goals & possibilities for 2010.
Let's get together Friday, Jan. 1 from 4:30-6 pm at NedSpace (117 NW 5th Ave, in Old Town on 5th Ave between Couch & Davis), for a casual potluck and to make plans to do exciting things this year!
Bring a dish or beverage to share, and more importantly, your enthusiasm for kicking off 2010.
First, we'll review basics of growth & achievement:
* Motivation
* Ability/capacity
* Setting goals
* Getting things done
* Support & accountability
* Effort versus "success"
Then, we'll walk through a goal-setting exercise:
* Choose up to 6 major or minor goals for the year
* Break the 6 goals into smaller tasks
* Set up an action plan for the first 90 days of 2010
* Set up an accountability system for keeping yourself on track
Extra Credit:
a. Arrive with ideas in mind regarding goals you'd like to tackle.
b. Sign up for a free account at, a goal-tracking site, in advance.
c. Read through these slides before Friday:
Any questions or suggestions, e-mail me at See you then!
Official Website:
Added by PortlandTen on December 30, 2009